Gary Barnett’s One57 is opening its doors to the world’s elite – but not to their pigs. Other exotic critters, including gerbils, ponies and bunnies, are also animalia non grata in the 90-story tower.
In fact, no more than two “orderly domestic” pets — such as dogs, cats, caged birds and aquarium fish — will be allowed into the swanky building, and a photograph of each pet must be given to the board in advance, according to a review of the public filing of the building’s bylaws by the New York Post.
“Nothing I heard is unusual except the photograph of the pet,” prominent lawyer Jay Neveloff, who has written many condo plans but wasn’t involved in this one, told the newspaper.
Other restrictions at One57 include massage “therapy,” nude performances, and modeling. And if a resident wishes to celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, they have to do it without the benefit of decorative window lights.
The city’s apartment laws explicitly ban several dozen beasts, including panthers, mongooses and aardwolves, as The Real Deal reported. [NYP]
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