A female high school student in Montreal is fighting back against a set of dress code rules that she says is "shaming girls for their bodies."
Beaconsfield High School junior Lindsay Stocker told Global News she was "humiliated" in class after two school administrators singled her out for failing the "finger-length test"— meaning that her fingers went past the length of her shorts when she was standing. "I was in violation for showing my legs," she said.
We first saw this story at Gawker. Here are the shorts that Stocker was wearing, via Global News:
“She should have known better than wearing those shorts"http://t.co/QNp4Crs0Qu Montreal student protests dress code pic.twitter.com/OxwEEw7cqm
— Amanda Kelly (@AKellyGlobal) May 30, 2014
After she was found to be in violation and was told to change clothes, Stocker fought back against the dress code with posters she put up around the school, reading "Don't humiliate her because she is wearing shorts. It's hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects." Here's one of the posters:
Quebec school in uproar after girl was singled out for wearing “too-short” shorts. http://t.co/C8bpYTX8cmpic.twitter.com/hKAGTlWk1g
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) June 2, 2014
The posters were apparently quickly taken down, and Stocker was punished with a one-day suspension — although school officials would not confirm to Global News that the two were direcly connected. "There is an avenue for students to express their opinions. This wasn’t followed," one administrator said.
Read more about Lindsey Stocker at the Global News >>
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