New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie apparently visited Facebook's headquarters in California Friday and, to mark the occasion, he participated in a question-and-answer session on the social media site. Christie discussed the 2016 presidential election, his status as "the man," his distaste for the reality show "Jersey Shore," and his incredible dancing on the "Tonight Show."
Here are all the best things that happened when Christie stopped by Facebook:
Christie confirmed he sees himself as "the man."
Christie addressed his "ties to organized crime."
He reiterated his aversion to "Jersey Shore."
Christie was in vintage form. He smacked down people who tried to mock him.
The governor still thinks he has "a chance" to succeed, but he doesn't seem to appreciate being asked about it.
Christie thinks he likes being complimented on his dance skills – and being encouraged to run for president against Hillary Clinton.
There was one thing Christie didn't seem to want to discuss – the so-called "Bridgegate scandal.
Christie ignored a series of detailed questions about the scandal from Business Insider and star Daily Beast reporter Olivia Nuzzi.