We're firm believers that one of the best places to start your immersion into a new culture is down at the neighborhood bar.
There you'll meet some new friends, get a feel for whether it's cricket season or soccer season or rugby season, test out your phrasebook pickup skills, and let your guard down for the first time.
The fact is, North America is a tipping-intensive place. We're used to shelling out, again and again, in order to shore up the paltry hourly wages earned by our service industry. This isn't the SOP in most other parts of the world.
Here's a handy guide for both the armchair traveler and the guy who is literally reading this on his phone at a bar in Montenegro right now. This by no means is an exhaustive list—these are just the places we've been. Please add the information pertinent to your favorite nation in the comments, and we'll update the gallery accordingly. Cheers!

Who do you tip? Servers, barmen, porters, bellhops
How much? 10%; $1-2 per bag
What the locals are drinking: Almaza

Who do you tip? Servers, cabbies, porters, bellhops
How much? 5-10%; $1-2 per bag
What are the locals drinking? Amstel

Who do you tip? Porters, bellhops
How much? $1 per bag
What are the locals drinking? Angkor
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